As captain of the royal guard in Canterlot, Gallus has seen countless battles and conflicts. He has witnessed many warriors fall, some enemies, some allies, and some even close friends. In his constant pursuit to protect Equestria, lives have been lost, and families have been torn apart. Things that would traumatize even the bravest of soldiers. But despite all of the horrors that he has witnessed, there is one whom he cherishes deeply; Someone who is always there to remind him why he fights, and continues to do so: His wife Silverstream. A beacon of light in his dark world, a sanctuary of comfort for his ailing heart. She guides him through the storms that he faces, and he in turn fights bravely for her. So he takes her to a secluded place deep within the Everfree Forest; A beautiful, serene place where he expresses his deepest graditude and affection. Been wanting to do another Gallstream pic for a little while. By the way, I did not like Gallus' adult look in the series finale. Other than he armor he barely changed in appearance. So I updated him a bit, by giving him a larger hackle of feathers. Kind of makes him look a little more lion-like. A trait that fits perfectly with a knight. And yeah, I'm flexing by landscape skills again. Just trying to get better at them. Also sorry if that description sounded a little too mushy. ^^'