Portrait commission Please read the description! <3

by UtikaBu © 2020 - Oct, 07

I finally managed to finish at least some of my commission! For me it was a lot of nerves. I understand that I have already exceeded all possible deadlines, especially with the orgy, I offer my sincere apologies. Everything will be done and I will not throw anyone! What is my problem? In my hard drive in my pc, it's literally barely alive. I kept trying to find the problem, reinstalled it from above 50 Windows and finally realized that it could not be saved and I had to buy a new one. Now I have at least some kind of opportunity to do my job, fortunately I found Windows, on which my PC does not throw me a blue screen of death every few minutes. So the work will be in full swing as far as my hard drive can. Once again, I apologize and thank you for your patience, orders will be completed as soon as possible!

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