Inferno - Knight of Hell

by MrMegaraptor © 2024 - May, 15

Inferno. Knight of Hell. I don't see the point in telling his origins for the umpteenth time, so I'll just focus on recent events. During one of the battles with Eclipse, he lost his left arm. Inferno's body can be broken, but not his spirit. He did without it for a while while the lab was developing a new bionic limb. The new arm is assembled from parts of an ancient armor that has the properties of an X-energy conductor. It is made of an alloy of tungsten carbide, titanium and meteoric iron. Which makes it virtually indestructible. It also has a microprocessor that calculates and analyzes actions. Which improves feedback as well as hand-to-hand combat performance. His new arm is the ultimate weapon that no enemy can resist. After the battle in which Inferno lost his arm, many thought he was dead. But he proved once again that Inferno cannot be destroyed. Inferno will destroy. Personal Information: Name given at birth: Mikhail Molotov Age: 26 Height: 180 cm Weight: 80 kg Character: temperamental. Can be aggressive, but controls it. Possesses an overly black sense of humor. Weapons: Claymore "Infernator" and shotgun "Boneslayer". Skills: X-energy manipulation. Special Skills: Can summon a storm. Throws a large amount of energy into the atmosphere, causing a thunderstorm, during which a large number of lightning bolts charged with X-energy strike.

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