
by JenniKim © 2023 - Apr, 27

Species name: Ceranes Life span: hundreds or thousands of years. Description of the species: These creatures live mainly at depth. Quite rare in lakes. This species has two subspecies: some live exclusively in the seas, others live in deep-sea freshwater rivers. Most of the time they are in the water, but occasionally get out on land to bask. They are adapted to breathe both in water and on land. During the mating season, the female of this species finds her only "husband" and enters into mating games with him. The period of appearance of the cub is a month. Females take care of their cubs for up to two years, after which he begins an independent life. They usually feed on algae or fish remains. There are individuals that feed on other marine life. Adult representatives of this species are able to tear apart a white shark, and very sharp teeth allow them to do this. The growths on the side of the head are bones. They serve both as a decoration and as a weapon (if an adult moves the side of the head, it can damage everyone who has fallen under the distribution with these growths). Ceranes also has very long claws. With the help of them, he can tear the carcass, which perfectly helps him in his diet. In length they reach about 5 meters, in height about 3.5 meters. The cubs are much smaller than their parents. From 1 meter, and in height 2.5.

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